Vintage Quotes

Analysis of 2017 Harper-Strickland MLB brawl, which featured the confluence of sports psychology, sociology, and maybe even psychiatry.

I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.

Isaac Newton

A Christian attacks a Muslim in the Central African Republic. The CAR has witnessed the displacement of 1 in 5 of its citizens and is now reportedly in stage 7 ("Preparation") of 10 in the 10 stages of genocide. Photo by Jerome Delay, AP.
A Christian attacks a Muslim in the Central African Republic. The long-running CAR conflict is primarily over religion, and 1 in 5 of its citizens has already been displaced. The CAR is now reportedly in stage 7 (“Preparation”) of 10 in the 10 stages of genocide. Photo by Jerome Delay, AP.